Webinar: Managing Your Universal Service Contributions on Form 499-A

With the 4Q 2020 federal Universal Service contribution level at 27.1% and increasing each quarter (it will be 31.8% 1Q 2021), it is important that you fully understand how to calculate your payment. Not only do you want to ensure you’re complying with the FCC’s rules, but you also want to be certain that your company is not paying more than is necessary when filing your Form 499-A.
JSI’s USF expert Brian Sullivan, along with Ryan Denzel and Dixie Lucabaugh, reviewed FCC Form 499-A requirements and major contribution sources to clarify your company’s obligations during a recent webinar. They discussed:
- Competitive pricing implications of passing through USF contribution requirements to customers;
- Cost recovery options and requirements;
- Documents you need to gather and maintain; and
- Lessons learned from recent USAC reviews and audits focused on USF contributions and Form 499-A.
Arm your regulatory, financial, and sales staff with strategies and options as they close out the 2020 books and begin the 2021 financial year. Future USF payments and true-ups are based on calendar year 2020 revenues so now is the time to take a close look at your contributions.
Purchase a Recording of This Webinar Program
If you were unable to attend this webinar, you can still purchase a recording of this program for $249 per company by contacting our Marketing Department, either by clicking the button below or by calling our Maryland office at 301-459-7590.