NPAC Certification Letters Due February 25

All carriers that port telephone numbers in the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) must certify in writing that the information submitted in their initial NPAC user applications (such as proof of operating authority, port regions, authorized contacts, project representative) remains true and accurate. The 2019 deadline for all registered NPAC users to sign and return these Annual Continued Qualification (ACQ) letters to iconectiv is February 25. If any of the information is no longer accurate, companies must submit updated information to the iconectiv account management team prior to submitting the ACQ letter.
Failure to comply with the ACQ requirements could result in suspension or termination of NPAC services. iconectiv distributed the template ACQ letter to the industry on January 14.
The NPAC User’s Project Representative, NPAC Primary Contact or Regional User Agreement Signatory have the option to either copy and paste the ACQ letter text into the body of an email or sign and attach the letter to an email and send it directly to iconectiv or to JSI for review and submission.
NOTE: There is one important but minor change regarding the permitted use of user data from the sample letter iconectiv distributed last August. NPAC users that submitted their ACQ letters prior to receipt of the final draft letter on Monday, January 14 must submit the new version of the ACQ letter to iconectiv by February 25.
Please contact Bridget Alexander White in JSI’s Maryland office at 301-459-7590 for assistance with your ACQ certification or more details.