Webinar: Optimizing Your Broadband Network

As the core of your operation, it is imperative that your broadband network remain healthy and robust. But as new service requests pop up – a school requests 10 Gig service, a cell tower asks for 10 Gig backhaul, or you rapidly build FTTP in a new CLEC market – your network may begin to resemble Frankenstein’s monster with a combo of legacy and new network elements and configurations.
If you fail to adequately maintain and do regular check-ups of your network, outages become more frequent, troubleshooting becomes more difficult, and network visibility becomes limited. Ultimately, inefficiencies, maintenance costs, truck rolls and churn will grow.
During our recent free webinar, N-Com’s network experts discussed steps and best practices for identifying areas impacting reliability and inefficiencies. They shared several case studies and how those companies improved their networks and broadband products. General managers, COOs and CTOs all would benefit from this webinar about network assessments.
About N-Com
N-Com is JSI’s newest division, added in September 2020. Established in 2004, N-Com engineers have a strong background in communications engineering that reaches back as far as the 1970s. Their participation in the industry evolution over the past several decades has yielded a unique perspective in planning a migration path to the future. From day one at N-Com, it was recognized that the future of telecommunications was broadband data. N-Com intentionally combined traditional telecom engineering services with IP technology expertise to assist rural telecom companies with their migration to carrier-class IP-based broadband networks. Today, N-Com is a strategic partner, working alongside those same providers as well as those who are new to and entering the broadband delivery market to help engineer, maintain and secure the complete communications network. N-Com can be found at https://ncom.co/.