USAC Releases FCC Form 481 and Opens HUBB Portal

This week, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) notified Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETCs) that it has released the revised 2017 FCC Form 481 and ETCs may begin reporting information through USAC’s E-File system. However, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has not yet approved this year’s Form 481, so ETCs will not be allowed to certify their filing until the FCC form is approved by OMB. This year’s deadline is July 3, 2017.
As anticipated, 2017’s Form 481 no longer requires a five-year network improvement plan progress report. It also does not yet require legacy high-cost support recipients that have deployed broadband service to more than 80% of their territory to report geocoded broadband deployment locations.
Now that the form has been released, JSI is preparing company-specific data requests and its reporting materials in order to assist you with meeting your company’s reporting obligations. JSI consultants will soon be contacting clients to address their individual needs.
HUBB Portal Now Open
Also this week, USAC announced the opening of the new High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) portal. As you may recall, earlier this year the FCC delayed the deadline for rate-of-return carriers to report newly served broadband locations until March 1 next year.
Carriers that wish to begin filing geocoded broadband locations may now do so via the HUBB portal, also accessible through USAC’s E-File system. JSI encourages clients to begin reporting their location information in the HUBB now and not wait until the March 1, 2018, deadline.
If you have questions about FCC Form 481 or HUBB reporting obligations, please contact one of our experts by clicking the button below.