Study Area Boundary Recertification is Coming – But Not on May 26

Rate-of-return ILECs are required to recertify their study area boundary “shapefile” maps every other year. The recertification will be required this year, via the FCC’s Study Area Boundary Data Collection portal. The deadline is normally May 26, but this year it will be later – presumably in late June. JSI has been in contact with FCC staff about the deadline, and there will be a forthcoming Public Notice with instructions and a deadline. In the meantime, do not attempt to recertify your study area boundary because the website is not prepared.
When the recertification deadline is announced, ILECs will need to review their study area boundaries and ensure that nothing has changed in the last two years with the boundaries. During the A-CAM evaluation process, some ILECs unveiled issues with their boundaries and were able to submit revised maps. If you did this, or you feel you need to make revisions, any modified map should be submitted and certified by the new deadline as well. Although you cannot recertify your map yet, you can check it now and determine if you need to make changes.
JSI will release additional information about the shapefile recertification as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime, please contact a member of our team by clicking the button below.