Reminder: New Lifeline Claims System Starts Today, Feb. 1
Beginning with the January 2018 data month, captured in the February 1 snapshot, all ETCs must use the new electronic Lifeline Claims System (LCS) to submit their Lifeline reimbursement claims. FCC Form 497 has been retired.
Under the new process in the Lifeline Claims System, the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD) subscriber snapshot will determine support payments to service providers. This change affects all Lifeline service providers in all states and territories, and is not a part of the rollout of the National Lifeline Verifier.
The new LCS is located within the NLAD Production Environment, not in USAC’s E-File system where the Form 497 resided. All Form 497 users and officers can access the LCS in NLAD using their existing E-File credentials.
If you have any questions about these changes or need assistance as you navigate the LCS, please contact Lans Chase in JSI’s Georgia office at 770-569-2105 or Lisa McLaughlin in our Texas office at 512-338-0473.