ReConnect Challenge Process Begins: Are You Prepared to Defend Your Service Area?
JSI Encourages All Providers to Determine If Their Service Areas Are Impacted by the Proposed Service Areas in Applications
This week, the USDA released three public notices listing 288 applications that have been filed under the ReConnect III program. These announcements open a 45-day window for existing service providers to challenge the validity of the funded service areas proposed by ReConnect applicants that overlap with your company’s existing service area. If a ReConnect application’s proposed service area overlaps with your service area, and you can show that you are providing broadband speeds of at least 100/20 Mbps, your challenge could be successful. This brief window is now open and will close on April 28, 29, or 30, 2022, depending on the release date of the public notice announcing the application.
USDA is issuing these announcements daily, so keep checking to see if any of the applications propose overlapping service. More information on these applications can be found here. To depict the extent of the overlap between the current service provided and the proposed funded service areas (PFSAs) under the ReConnect program, JSI has created maps for all the applications announced to date. As additional public notices are released, we will continue to review the data to help companies determine the extent of any overlap.
If an application impacts your service area, and you would like to challenge that application, the USDA requires the following:
- A shapefile of the area in which you already provide broadband service of 100/20 Mbps.
- Additional information such as your company’s contact information, the technology used to provide broadband service, the type of service provided, the highest download and upload speeds available in the PFSA, and the number of households capable of and currently receiving broadband service of at least 100/20 Mbps in the PFSA you are challenging.
For more information on the process and instructions on how to submit a challenge, click here.
If you need assistance with developing your response to defend your area and for more information about the extent of the overlap and how it impacts your area, please click the button below to connect with one of our experts.