NPAC Transition to Begin in April, Prepare Now
Be on the Lookout for Upcoming NPAC Transition Information
Big changes to how your company ports numbers are coming this spring as the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) management transfers from Neustar to iconectiv. The transition is scheduled to begin in April and complete by the end of May.
As we near the conversion dates, the NPAC Transition Oversight Manager (TOM), the independent third party responsible for overseeing all aspects of the NPAC transition from Neustar to iconectiv, including industry outreach and education, will provide companies with a litany of NPAC transition information and timeframes. All companies should pay close attention to this information and complete any outstanding steps in the transition process or risk not being able to complete ports. The first of these important announcements is the NPAC Customer Portal credential notice.
New iconectiv NPAC Customer Portal Credentials
Prior to the transition, companies will receive credentials for access to the iconectiv NPAC Customer Portal. Carriers will receive two sets of credentials – a help desk confirmation code and a username and temporary password for access to the customer portal. The help desk confirmation code will be required when you call the iconectiv help desk and request assistance (i.e., port activation). The NPAC Customer Portal credentials grant access to instructions for tasks, such as contacting the help desk, requesting access credentials for others in your company, and NPAC connectivity. JSI will not receive the credentials for your company. Without the credentials, your company will not be able to access the customer portal or the help desk.
Look for this notice from iconectiv via email after January 15, the day the portal is scheduled to go live. The process will take a few weeks as the distribution will be in chunks to be sure the iconectiv help desk can provide efficient service in the event there are a lot of questions. Given the timeframe, your company should receive the credentials between January 15 and January 29.
Only the primary contacts designated on the onboarding contact form will receive credentials. The primary contacts can then request credentials for others in their company, such as the authorized users.
Next Steps
- Make sure your company has completed all of the onboarding documents and agreements with iconectiv. If not, your company will not receive the access credentials and will be placed on the iconectiv nonresponsive service providers list and reported to the FCC later this month.
- If you are not the primary contact within your company for the NPAC transition materials, share this email with your company’s primary contact to ensure that they watch for the credentials email.
- Once the credentials are received, log into the iconectiv NPAC customer portal to confirm that the credentials work. If the credentials do not allow access, contact the iconectiv help desk at the number provided on the notice – OR – notify JSI and we will reach out to our iconectiv account manager for assistance.
More NPAC transition activity dates will be revealed as we move towards the beginning of the regional migrations in April. For more information on the NPAC transition, including ALL pertinent upcoming dates, you might consider subscribing to JSI’s LNP Essentials Bundle. The bundle includes The LNP Standard, a monthly newsletter, which provides in-depth news on the transition and on numbering/porting in general.
In addition, JSI will hold a Surviving the NPAC Transition: Part Deux webinar in March to review the regional migration schedule, LNP billing information, transition preparation tips for your company, NPAC connectivity and the heated topic of rollback. Look for more details on this next month.
Please contact Bridget Alexander White at 301-459-7590 if you have questions regarding this notice or the overall NPAC transition.