JSI’s Online Port Ordering System Hits 200K Milestone
200,000 Port Requests Submitted and Processed Since Its Launch
JSI’s online number porting request system today processed its 200,000th online order, reaching that milestone in 11 years since the site’s launch and doubling the number of orders in four and a half years. As local number portability took hold in the 1990s, JSI was the first consulting firm to offer Service Order Administration (SOA) management services to its clients. The online system, which officially launched in late February 2006, makes it simple for clients to submit their orders to activate, release or disconnect ported numbers in the NPAC, keep track of what’s been submitted, and be assured that orders were received and processed in a timely manner.
Alma Telephone of Georgia submitted the first official online order, requesting a number disconnect on February 28, 2006. Today’s activate request from Guadalupe Valley Communications, a Texas CLEC, was the 200,000th order received and processed by our Network Services staff.
Clients have enthusiastically embraced the online system, and today submit an average of 217 port requests each business day through the MyJSI website. Each of these is completed by our staff, and archived for the client to see on the site.
If you have any questions about the Network Services/SOA system or would like to discuss how it could help your company, please contact Karen Hoffman, staff director – Network Services, at 301-459-7590.