JSI-MD Donates to Local Toys for Tots Program
The staff in JSI’s Maryland office donated hundreds of toys, games, and coats to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. This is the office’s 14th year collecting toys and warm clothing for a local charity. The local Toys for Tots program is coordinated by the Prince George’s County Police Department. The donations will be distributed to needy families in PG County, Maryland, where JSI’s headquarters is located.
JSI filled most of a truck with the donated items, including bikes, games, scooters, dolls/action figures, art supplies, Play-Doh, coloring books andcrayons, stuffed animals, baby toys, sports equipment, books, snowboards, coats, and backpacks.
Toys for Tots, a 70-year national charitable program run by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, provides happiness and hope to disadvantaged children during each Christmas holiday season. The toys, books and other gifts collected and distributed by the Marines offer these children recognition, confidence and a positive memory for a lifetime. It is such experiences that help children become responsible citizens and caring members of their community. Last year the Marine Corps fulfilled the holiday hopes and dreams of 7 million less fortunate children in 792 communities nationwide. Since 1947 over 244 million children have been assisted. For more information, visit www.toysfortots.org.