FCC Relaxes Lifeline Income Qualification, Extends De-Enrollment Pause

Last week, the FCC released an Order waiving the requirement for consumers seeking to qualify for the Lifeline program through income-based qualification. Consumers may provide less than the normally required documentation covering three consecutive months if they can provide an official document that supports their income claim. This waiver is effective through June 30, 2020.
The Order also extends the deadline for pausing involuntary de-enrollment of Lifeline subscribers, recertification, reverification and usage requirements currently set for May 29, 2020 until June 30, 2020 (See our April 6 e-Lert for more details).
Reminder: The Representative Accountability Database (RAD) will become mandatory on May 25, 2020. If you have not received a Representative ID, you must register now and provide the RAD ID to the service provider for which you work.
If you have questions regarding these deadlines, or would like assistance from JSI, please contact one of our experts by clicking the button below.