FCC Announces Lifeline Recertification Election Window, National Verifier Launch
Last week, the FCC announced both the dates for when ETCs may elect USAC to perform their rolling Lifeline recertifications and that six states can begin to use the new National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier Database.
USAC will begin accepting elections on July 16 for performing monthly rolling recertifications for 2019. The election window closes on August 31, 2018. Unlike in the past, all companies that would like USAC to perform their Lifeline recertifications must notify USAC, including ones that previously had USAC do their recertifications. The recertification election spreadsheet is on USAC’s website.
USAC also “soft” launched the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier database (National Verifier) in the initial six states on June 18, 2018. Companies in Colorado, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming will use the National Verifier to confirm customer eligibility, check for duplicate benefits, enroll and recertify customers, and calculate support payments to the ETCs. During the soft launch period, companies in the initial states can use the National Verifier, but still have the option of using their existing Lifeline eligibility processes.
JSI recommends that clients in the initial six states use this as an opportunity to use and test the National Verifier before they are required to use it. During the soft launch, only ETCs will have access to the National Verifier. Consumers will be able to use the database once the hard launch is complete.
Now that the National Verifier is back on track, companies that are not in the initial six states should be watching for announcements regarding the next wave of states that will be launched in the National Verifier.
If you have questions regarding the information or anything Lifeline related, please contact Lans Chase at 770-569-2105 or Lisa McLaughlin at 512-338-0473.